KEBUMEN - For 17 days, Sumeri's family has been looking for him. The mystery of the disappearance of Sumeri (75 years) has been completely answered. But not with good news.

Last December 15, residents found the body of a man with a damaged condition. The discovery at around 14.30 was finally reported to the police.

"When it was first found there was no identity attached. The condition was already damaged," said the Head of Kebumen Police, AKBP Piter Yanottama, through the Head of Public Relations of the Iptu Police, Sugiyanto.

"However, there are residents who feel they have lost their family members and then check and believe it is their family," he continued, as quoted from the official website of the Central Java Regional Police.

The body of this man with a damaged condition was later discovered to be named Sumeri, a resident of Selang Kelurahan, Kebumen District / Regency. Identity was revealed from the clothes the victim was wearing and recognized by his family members. The family was convinced after seeing the party dress and striped jacket the victim was wearing.

"According to the family, the victim often wore the clothes during his life. So it is not difficult to recognize the victim," continued Iptu Sugiyanto.

Referring to family information, the last Sumeri disappeared about 17 days ago or November 30, 2020. The victim lives alone in his house on a daily basis. While his son lives outside Kebumen with his family.

From the results of the TKP processing conducted by Inafis of the Kebumen Police together with the Kebumen Police, it is strong that the suspicion that the victim died was not due to a criminal act. It is possible that the victim slipped and was then carried away by the river current.

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