JAKARTA - The management of the Jakarta Cathedral Church is ready to follow the latest rules regarding the capacity of the church during the 2022 Christmas service.

"We will follow the rules applied," said Jakarta Cathedral Church Public Relations Officer Susyana Suwadie when contacted from Jakarta, Friday, December 16, as reported by Antara.

Previously, the government stipulated that there were no capacity restrictions during the implementation of the 2022 Christmas service, in accordance with the rules for the Implementation of Level 1 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas emphasized that the capacity of houses of worship / churches may be 100 percent. However, with a note, the church must not exceed the capacity through the addition of tents that are usually done during Christmas worship.

At the 2021 Christmas event, the Jakarta Cathedral only limited 650 people or 40 percent of the church's capacity. Now that the number of COVID-19 transmissions is under control, these restrictions are lifted.

During the 2022 Christmas service at the Cathedral, it will be divided into several sessions. At the Christmas Eve Mass it will be divided into three sessions, first at 16.30 WIB which is specifically for the elderly and held offline, at 19.00 WIB (offline and online), and 21.30 WIB (offline).

Meanwhile, during the Christmas Mass (25/12), 08.30 WIB (for example, online and offline pontivics), 11.00 WIB (for example, children offline), and 17.00 WIB (offline and online).

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said there were no restrictions on the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year celebrations, both in terms of worship activities and celebrations.

"For this year, there are no restrictions," said Muhadjir.

Even though there are no restrictions, continued Muhadjir, the public is still obliged to comply with the provisions set by the Government to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

"However, the provisions are still in effect, including the implementation of worship; but in principle, for this year, Christmas and New Year celebrations have been allowed," he said.

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