Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD spoke up regarding the granting of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Tintuler to Deddy Corbuzier. Giving ranks in the rules is indeed possible.
"That's all. Regarding what urgency, of course Pak Prabowo Subianto (Menhan) knows better," Mahfud said when asked for his comments about the awarding of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Situler, quoted from Antara, Thursday, December 15.
According to him, the awarding of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel to the bottom was indeed issued by the decision of the TNI commander. The handover of the rank to Deddy Corbuzier, said Mahfud, was in the context of defending the country, namely the reserve component.
"Maybe Deddy can be considered as someone who can push the reserve components to be better, more advanced, has broad insight, invites people to be active, encourages the spirit of the Komcads in their duties to defend the country," said Mahfud.
According to PP No. 39/2010, theituler rank is one of the special TNI ranks other than the local rank.
An explanation of Article 5 paragraph (2) letter b states that the rank of betiler is the rank given to a citizen who is commensurate with his soldier position.
As for positions that are held by people withitur positions, he continued, as low as second lieutenants.
Tiler ranks are given to the required citizens and are willing to carry out certain military duties within the TNI.
The duties of certain soldiers, he said, are the duties of positions within the TNI which are absolutely occupied by officers, such as spiritual officers or correlated officers.
It was also explained that the use of the tautular rank itself only applies as long as the recipient holds a soldier position.
After the person who received the term takuler no longer holds the position of soldiering, the rank will be revoked.
Article 29 of PP Number 39 of 2010 also explains that recipients of theituler rank will receive limited administrative treatment as long as they are still holding positions or ranks have not been revoked.
Previously, Deddy Corbuzier in his Instagram account admitted that he was given the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Tituler of the Army by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.
He said the rank was also ratified by the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa and Kasad General Dudung Abdurachman.
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