JAKARTA - The National Police's Anti-terror Special Detachment (Densus) 88 managed to find a bunker belonging to a big terrorist, Taufik Bulaga alias Upik Lawanga. The bunker was used to hide and store homemade firearms (senpi).
"The evidence confiscated from Upik's house contained homemade weapons and a bunker at his house," said the Head of Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Friday, December 18.
Argo said that Upik Lawanga often received orders to make homemade weapons from the leadership of the terrorist group Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). In fact, it is known that he has been making assemblies since August 2020.
"The suspect in August 2020 has been ordered to make this homemade firearm. There is an order from his leadership, starting in August 2020, please make weapons," he said.
"The problem is used when you don't know. The person concerned has prepared, there is an order to make weapons," continued Argo.
In the near future the Police will directly expose the bunker. The expose will be led directly by the Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan.
"Tomorrow the Head of Penum will come to Lampung, with media friends, they will see what the bunker looks like. To understand what the bunker is like," said Argo.
Upik Lawanga was a member of JI who was the mastermind behind several terror bombs, such as the Tentena bomb, the Gor Poso bomb, the Central Market bomb and a series of other acts of terror from 2004 to 2006.
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