YOGYAKARTA - This year, Korlantas Polri will start implementing a ticketing method as a step to reduce traffic violations and create safer conditions on the road. This system is called traffic activity report, which adopts a merit point system or a driving fit system.
Head of Korlantas Polri Inspector General Pol. Aan Suhanan explained that the SIM ticketing system called traffic activity report was applied to punish traffic violators. The next new system will be in the form of a point reduction or a merit point system for traffic violators.
"This will later become safety data on people's behavior in driving or traffic on the road with the parameters being traffic violations and traffic accidents," explained Police Traffic Police Chief Aan last week.
Rules regarding ticketing points based in Police Regulation Number 5 of 2021 concerning Issuance and Signing of SIMs. There are three impositions of ticketing points, including 1 point, 3 points, 5 points, and 10 points depending on the type of traffic violation.
With this system, drivers who have a driving license (SIM) will get 12 points a year. If proven to have committed a minor violation, then the point will be reduced by one.
Furthermore, if you commit a moderate violation, the points will be reduced by three. As for serious violations, points will be reduced by five, and if there are casualties, the potential is reduced by 12 points.
"If an accident causes the victim to die, minus 12 points. The hit and run can be immediately revoked by the driver's license," said Aan.
If within a period of 1 year the points given are exhausted, then a driver's license will be withdrawn or blocked.
"Later on, when it is extended, it must be repeated. If it was the hit and run, it could be revoked, also permanently revoked for the driver's license," explained Aan.
The point scheme is integrated in the issuance of a police certificate (SKCK).
"We will provide notes on how many times this SIM has violated traffic, how many times it was involved in traffic accidents," he explained.
In addition to this point system, the National Police will also tighten supervision of motorists from the electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE) system.
With the implementation of this system, it is hoped that the public will have more awareness to comply with traffic regulations, so that more traffic conditions will be created that are safer and orderly.
That's a review of how points are working. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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