BANJARMASIN - The KPU of South Kalimantan Province determined the votes acquired by the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor number 1, H Sahbirin Noor and H Muhidin winning by a difference of 8,127 votes from pair number 2, Prof. H Denny Indrayana and H Difriadi Derajat.

The open plenary meeting of the recapitulation of vote count results in the 2020 South Kalimantan Pilkada which was held 17-18 for 13 districts / cities at the Golden Tulip Hotel, Friday, December 18, finally officially determined the acquisition of the two pairs of candidates, where the difference in votes was less than 1 percent.

The KPU determined the total vote acquisition for the Sahbirin pair, known as Uncle Birin-Muhidin, which was carried by the Golkar, PAN, PDIP, Nasdem, PKS, PKB parties, and supported by PSI, PKPI and Perindo as many as 851,822 votes or 50.24 percent.

Meanwhile, the total votes acquired by the Denny-Difri pair carried out by the Gerindra, Democrat, and PPP parties were 843,695 votes or 49.76 percent, of the total valid voter ballots on the voting on December 9, 2020, as many as 1,695,517 votes.

The head of the South Kalimantan KPU, Sarmuji, stated that the results had gone through a long process from the recapitulation of the TPS level, to the sub-districts, regencies / cities to the open plenary meeting in this province.

According to him, if there is a dispute with the Constitutional Court regarding the results that have been determined, of course the determination of the winner of the South Kalimantan Regional Head Election will be postponed, until there is an official MK decision.

"How is the Constitutional Court's decision, is it rejected or what we will do, at the latest 5 days after the Court's decision," said Sarmuji as quoted by Antara.

However, if there is no lawsuit, within three days after the plenary meeting is over, the candidate pairs that get the highest votes will be applied.

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