LUWU - Because he was waiting for his lover who never came, a man with the initials YS (17) was found dead in Salu Kayyang Hamlet, Porang, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. He chose to commit suicide by drinking poison.

From the information collected by the police on the victim's parents, the victim was desperate to drink pest poison and died due to disappointment that her lover had not come.

"The victim was disappointed and reckless to drink poison by mixing it with water in a bucket (well)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Luwu Police, AKP Faisal Syam, contacted by VOI, Friday, December 18.

The victim's mother had heard her child call her lover and ask to come to the house. But the victim's boyfriend refused.

"If you don't want to come here, then drink poison," said AKP Faisal Syam.

Hearing this, the victim's mother immediately threw out the poison beside the house. But there are still poison pests in the house.

"The victim's mother entered the kitchen and saw her child drinking poison and the victim's mother immediately shouted for help so that the workers in her house immediately went into the kitchen and tried to get the poison that was drunk by the victim," continued Faisal.

The victim was rushed to the Ponrang puskesmas and received medical assistance. However, the victim was declared dead.

"The victim was desperate to drink poison and died due to anger and disappointment with her boyfriend who did not want to come to her house while her boyfriend had often promised the victim that he would come," said Faisal.

Based on the results of coordination with the victim's parents and the victim's family, that with this incident, the victim's family sincerely accepted that the victim's death was predestined and did not blame the victim, including the victim's boyfriend.

Disclaimer: This news is not intended to inspire suicide. Readers who feel that they need psychiatric consultation services, and have had the desire to attempt suicide, please consult or see a psychiatrist at a hospital that has mental health service facilities.

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