JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto was asked to explain in more detail regarding the granting of the rank of lieutenant colonel (Letkol) aitiator to Deddy Corbuzier. This rank relates to the task of the state that uses the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives Dave Akbarshah Fikarno or Dave Laksono, admitted that he did not reject the awarding of the title. However, the Minister of Defense needed to explain in more detail so that the issue of giving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel to celebrities did not go wild. "Not refusing, but this is related to state duties that use the state budget," said Dave, Monday, December 12.

Dave also asked the Ministry of Defense or TNI Headquarters to explain the reasons for the assignment to Deddy Corbuzier, to socialize defense issues. Because according to him, the task is related to the Public Relations of the TNI.

"That must be confirmed, why was the assignment shown to Deddy's brother," said Dave, chairman of the Golkar Party DPP. Even so, Dave hopes that both the giver and the recipient of the title can be accountable for their duties. In particular, to improve the performance of TNI soldiers.

"I hope that this will have good results so that it continues to improve the performance of TNI soldiers throughout the Republic of Indonesia," said Dave.

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