JAKARTA - The Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) in Bandarlampung has intensified food product supervision ahead of Christmas 2022 and New Year's 2023.

"We have carried out supervision from early December and will continue to carry out until January 4, 2023, which is divided into five stages," said Acting Head of BBPOM Zamroni, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 11.

He said that the food supervision carried out was also in accordance with the BPOM RI Instruction in an effort to maintain public health or consumers from products that did not meet the provisions.

"This supervision is carried out to protect the public from food that is not in accordance with the provisions, because before Christmas and New Year, people's food needs usually tend to increase," he said.

He said that from the results of supervision in the first phase which took place from December 1 to 7, 2022, BBPOM in Bandarlampung had examined 12 warehouse food distributors.

"There are three warehouses that do not comply with the provisions and five products that do not meet the requirements. Where three products do not have distribution permits and two other products have been damaged," he said.

Then, he continued, in the second phase which will be carried out until December 14, BBPOM will collaborate with local governments (Pemda) to supervise food products together.

"Later in the second phase, we will cooperate with the regional government to carry out food surveillance ahead of Christmas and New Year with a focus on retail. But basically we will continue to monitor food products in all regencies and cities in Lampung so that people are safe," he said.

In the supervision of processed food products ahead of Christmas and the new year BBPOM has five stages, where the first stage is carried out from December 1 to 7, the second stage is December 14, the third stage until December 21 is the fourth stage until December 28 and the fifth stage is from December 29 to January 4, 2023.

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