JAKARTA - The leadership of the DPR RI responded to the statement by the Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet), who assessed that the 2024 Simultaneous Elections needed to be reconsidered because the government was recovering after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, emphasized that the DPR, the government, and election organizers had agreed on the process and stages of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. He ensured that the process would continue until the election time arrived.
"At this time the DPR RI and the KPU and the government are still running in the agreed stage process," said Dasco at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, December 9.
Dasco emphasized that Bamsoet's statement would not change what had been agreed upon by the DPR, Government and KPU-Bawaslu.
"What Mr. Bamsoet said certainly did not necessarily change or automatically the existing stages," he said.
Even so, the daily chairman of the Gerindra DPP considered that Bamsoet's statement was legitimate. According to him, it is part of the dynamics of the current situation.
"I think what was conveyed was also stating everyone's (right) opinion and guaranteed by law. Yes, go ahead, but the process and stages are still running," said Dasco.
Previously, MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) asked that the simultaneous elections in 2024 be taken into account. Because according to him, the momentum of the 2024 democratic party is not appropriate because the government is recuperating after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moreover, the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government has proven to be able to handle and respond quickly in facing various challenges. In addition, said Bamsoet, in dealing with natural disasters that have recently hit Indonesia.
"This must be calculated properly whether the momentum is right in our era and we are working together on this situation and anticipation, adaptation and global threats such as the economy, natural disasters and so on," said Bamsoet in a release event. Poltracking survey results, Thursday, December 8th.
In addition, he said, Jokowi also successfully faced COVID-19 and was well resolved and recognized by the world.
"The G20 is implemented well, various economic policies and other policies are also good, so we are still able to survive the 5 percent economic growth," said Bamsoet.
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