JATIM - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that the refugees from the eruption of Mount Semeru increased to 781 people. They are scattered in refugee camps in Lumajang, East Java.

"As of Tuesday (December 6) at 18.00 WIB, evacuations after the Mount Semeru APG were spread over 21 points with 781 refugees," said Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in a written statement, Wednesday, December 7.

Abdul reported that the weather around Mount Semeru and Lumajang districts continued to rain. The weather caused a cold lava flood that carried the remaining materials from the eruption.

He also appealed to people in watersheds to be aware of this. Abdul emphasized that people should not carry out any activities along Besuk Kobokan as far as 19 kilometers (km) from the summit (the center of the eruption).

Outside this distance, the public is reminded not to carry out activities at a distance of 500 meters from the riverbank along Besuk Kobokan.

One of the evacuation points is in the Multipurpose Building of the Penanggal Village Hall, Candipuro District. Lumajang Regency BPBD Operations Control Center officer, Kustari said that re-data collection of refugees is carried out every day.

"Most residents return to their respective homes in the morning until noon, before finally returning to the evacuation in the afternoon," said Kustari.

Most refugees do this considering there are some jobs they have to do in the morning until noon around their homes.

"There are those who have to provide animal feed, gardening, and farming. So in the afternoon it will be crowded here (expension)," explained Kustari.

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