SURABAYA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of East Java is considering the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) format in East Java. This is one of the steps and efforts to suppress and anticipate the spread of COVID-19 ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

"The format is being considered (PSBB). What is clear, we (East Java Provincial Government) are preparing a number of anticipatory steps. Among other things, increasing the isolation room and testing for COVID-19, and increasing the yustisi operation, "said Deputy Governor of East Java, Emil Elestianto Dardak, confirmed, Wednesday, December 16.

Emil emphasized that the three anticipations were an old strategy that had been implemented. However, this anticipation is called Emil, must be further increased and tightened when it is applied again.

"So it must really be intensified. This is why we understand that last night a coordination meeting was held regarding COVID-19 between the governor's mother and regional heads throughout East Java," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the PSBB, continued Emil, the East Java Provincial Government is also preparing a new format, which is in accordance with the latest conditions. "But if it is deemed necessary there are specific restrictions I think this (PSBB) will be discussed carefully with stakeholders," he said.

However, Emil is optimistic that the increase in justisi operations that will take place in the next few weeks will be able to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Provincial Government and its ranks will increase the number of personnel in the field.

"The provincial government will also ensure the availability of inpatient facilities for COVID-19 patients. I am focusing on the availability of inpatient facilities for COVID-19 patients," he said.

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