JATIM - Muhammadiyah asked all stakeholders in the city of Surabaya not to take the issue of gangsters lightly in the City of Heroes. Prevention must be taken to suppress criminal acts.

"The rise of gangsters in the City of Heroes must be taken seriously so that it does not spread," said Secretary of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PD) of Surabaya City, M Arif An, in Surabaya, East Java, Sunday, December 4, as reported by Antara.

Arif said that PD Muhammadiyah Surabaya gave advice, namely persuasive efforts in dealing with gangsters.

In addition, he continued, the role of RT and RW must be maximized in early coaching efforts in villages. Likewise, it is closer to young people by not looking at where the young people come from and the level of education.

According to him, the Surabaya City Government Youth and Sports Service should catch this issue with an approach to youth and sports programs that touch those who are still young.

"Give them innovative activities so they can be involved. Don't be too strict about the bureaucracy or administration, which makes them unable to be involved in the programs being held," he said.

Arif An hopes that youth organizations in this case KNPI, Ansor, Muhammadiyah Youth, Pancasila Youth, and others must be a catalyst and dynamicator.

Previously, the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, emphasized that he would fight against gangsters who have been troubling the citizens of the City of Heroes, East Java, recently.

"Let's build everyone, I don't want this city to be trampled on by people who don't create a sense of comfort in the city of Surabaya," said Eri while directly leading a large-scale operation rally with the ranks of the City Government (Pemkot), TNI/Polri and cross-organization. Community (Ormas), at the Surabaya City Hall yard, Saturday, December 3 night.

Cak Eri invites all levels of society to eradicate the gangster brawl that occurred in the City of Heroes. He did not want Surabaya residents' self-esteem to be trampled on by irresponsible people who caused a brawl.

Oleh karena itu, Cak Eri menyerukan genderang peranggan terhadap aksi tawuran yang baru-akhir ini terjadi.

The joint raid involved 2,000 personnel who were deployed throughout the City of Heroes. In addition, this raid also involved LPMK and residents in each kelurahan and sub-district.

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