JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) was amazed by the process of making a police report (LP) related to the alleged sexual harassment case against Putri Candrawathi. This is because the report was filed based on Ferdy Sambo's order.

The sense of admiration that seemed to be of sarkastic elements began when the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, said that the creation of the LP based on the news of the introgacy event (BAI) was still carried out even though he did not agree.

In fact, the results of the LP made were delivered to a private house on Jalan Saguling 3, South Jakarta. The goal, to be signed.

"After I reported it to the Police Chief, the process continued, then at that time we immediately took him to Saguling's house, the results of making BAI," said Ridwan during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, November 29.

"The news of the interrogation was delivered to Saguling?" asked the judge.

"That's right, Your Honor," replied Ridwan.

When delivering the LP file, he said he was accompanied by Kombes Budhi Herdi and several other South Jakarta Metro Police officials.

Arriving at Saguling's house, Ridwan did not meet Putri Candrawathi alias PC. However, only Ferdy Sambo alias FS.

"Then we conveyed the BAI and FS said that mother could not meet in person, later I went up to the top floor first, at that time to do a cross-check with Mrs. Putri," he said.

"Then Mr. FS came down to say that it was appropriate and at that time the process was signed and so on," continued Ridwan.

Ridwan continued, from the LP file there were several that were corrected. This means that Ferdy Sambo had asked to remove several parts.

"There are some information that do not need to be included?" asked the judge.

"At that time we reduced the results of the correction," answered Ridwan

"After that?" said the judge.

"After the correction, we saw the report and at that time it was fixed that what was conveyed was the chronology conveyed by the PC," said Ridwan

At that time, the judge seemed to insinuate the process of making the LP. This is because all of them were ordered and approved by Ferdy Sambo. Meanwhile, the termination of the LP based on the BAI made by Ferdy Sambo.

"It is extraordinary that the murder case of the police report on the interrogation event was made based on orders," said the judge.

For information, Putri Candrawathi had reported allegations of sexual harassment or violence to the South Jakarta Metro Police. The report was registered with LP/1630/B/VII/2022/SPKT South Jakarta Metro Police dated July 9, 2022.

The report is about crimes of decency and/or acts of forcing a person with violence, threats of violence and/or sexual violence as referred to in Article 289 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 335 of the Criminal Code or Article 4 in conjunction with Article 6 of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence (TPKS).

However, Putri Candrawathi's report regarding Brigadier J sexually harassing her was declared false. The police did not find any criminal acts in the in-depth investigation of the report so that the handling was stopped on Friday 12 August.

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