JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited anyone to interpret his statement about a white-haired figure as a criteria for the 2024 leader

"Yes, it is interpreted as anything please; but indeed in people working, if you are serious and work hard, it will definitely affect the physical condition," said Jokowi after attending the Bahaupm Bide Bahana Taru Borneo Rajakng or the Red Troops Akbar Meeting at the Pontianak Radakng House, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), Tuesday 29 November.

Jokowi mentioned the white-haired figure criteria for future leaders while attending the United Nusantara Movement at the Bung Karno Stadium (GBK), South Jakarta, Saturday, November 26.

In the activity initiated by the volunteer group, Jokowi assessed that a candidate for leader with white hair is a person who really thinks about the people, in contrast to a character with a glossy face and without wrinkles.

"Including hair, because I think it is very hard for the people, it could be that his hair becomes white; and many have white hair, such as Hatta Rajasa, Ganjar Pranowo, including Pak Prabowo Subianto, his hair is also a bit white, and others," added Jokowi in response to reporters' questions in Pontianak.

Previously, during the United Nusantara Movement at the GBK Stadium, Saturday, Jokowi conveyed a message to thousands of volunteers to choose a leader who really works for the Indonesian people. He assessed that the seriousness of the leader could be seen from his physical appearance, such as hair and facial treatments.

"I need to convey. I need to convey, the leader, leader who thinks about the people is visible from his face," said Jokowi at GBK, Jakarta, Saturday, November 26.

First, according to him, a leader who thinks of the people will be seen from his hair. He mentioned the figure of the 'white hair' which he called a leader who thought of the people.

"There are also people who think that until all of their hair is white, there is that," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the Red Troops Grand Meeting, Commander Jilha Agustinus of Taru Borneo Bangkule Rajakng (TBBR) said his group was engaged in traditional and cultural fields in maintaining and exploring Dayak's history. He also encouraged Dayak residents to move forward.

To note, the Borneo Bangkule Rajakng Dance Red Troops are a social organization (ormas) of Dayak custom which is engaged in the preservation of customs and culture. The Borneo Bangkule Rajakang dance tries to maintain a tradition to encourage Dayak society to unite, progress, and be dignified.

"The traditional ones carried out include asking Jubata so that the Republic of Indonesia can be better and more advanced, as well as protection from Jubata so that this land can continue to be prosperous and the people will be more prosperous. Of course, we are very happy because President Joko Widodo wants to be present in Pontianak for this activity," said Agustinus.

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