The South Tapanuli Police (Tapsel) has arrested a man suspected of being a drug dealer of methamphetamine around the Simpang River, Napa Village, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

The suspected shabu dealer with the initials HS (28), a resident of Napa Village, South Angkola District, South Tapsel Regency.

South Tapanuli Police Chief AKBP Imam Zamroni said HS was arrested after the police received information from the public regarding narcotics trafficking in Napa Village.

Furthermore, officers immediately went to the location to conduct an investigation.

After seeing a man walking with suspicious movements on Saturday, November 26 in the morning, officers immediately arrested him.

"The police who investigated the man's identity turned out to be HS," said Imam in a written statement, Sunday, November 28, quoted by Antara.

The police chief said that before being caught, the police saw the perpetrator throwing an object from his left hand.

The officers then ordered the perpetrators to take the object that was thrown away, and wrapped in duct tape.

"It turned out that after the police examined him, the object containing two small plastic clips was strongly suspected to contain methamphetamine," he said.

Imam added that the officers also confiscated evidence of one Android phone belonging to HS. Strong suspicion that HS used the cellphone to carry out narcotics transactions.

"Officers then brought the suspect and evidence to the Batang Angkola Police Headquarters for further legal proceedings," he said.

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