JAKARTA - Defense Minister (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto acknowledged that reserve components are important for national defense to maintain territory from foreign threats.

"Detention is important for the stability of the country, so it is deemed necessary to realize reserve components. We are trying every district/city there is one reserve battalion," Prabowo said during a speech at the national national seminar at the XI National Conference (Munas) of the Alumni Corps of the Islamic Student Association (KAHMI), in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Saturday 26 November.

Prabowo said, the government's procurement of main weapons systems (defense equipment) was solely for strengthening national defense, not for attacking other countries.

National defense is the security defense of the people of the universe (hankamprata) as mandated by Law of 1945 and strengthened by Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army.

This defense system involves all people as citizens, and other national resources to be prepared in an early manner coordinated by the government with totality, directional, integrated, sustainable and sustainable as a model of upholding the sovereignty of the nation and country.

"To make that happen, there is a name for defending the country. Defense of the state in each region must be massive for the national interest," Prabowo said as quoted by Antara.

He stated that Article 30 (Ayat) 1 of the 1945 Constitution reads that every citizen has the right and must participate in the defense and security business of the state.

Until now, Indonesia remains at its establishment as a Non-Aligned country, as the national goal of protecting all Indonesians, and all of Indonesia's bloodshed.

Then, promote public welfare, educate the nation's life and participate in implementing world order, which is based on independence, lasting peace and social justice as the basic law opens.

"We need good diplomacy, we need a good attitude. I also always convey at every bilateral meeting that Indonesia is defensive, Indonesia has no desire to seize other people's land, we just want to defend the country's sovereignty," Prabowo also said.

He added that Indonesia has the ability to negotiate supported by great diplomats for foreign relations, with this potential, Indonesia must take a role in reducing the tension of a conflicting country.

"We want to be friends with all countries, so we must be mediators, communicators for peace," said Prabowo.

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