JAKARTA The Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI) sent 14 athletes to take part in the IFSC World Cup Seoul 2024 in Seoul, South Korea, this week.

Veddriq Leonardo, the gold medalist at the 2024 Paris Olympics, is among the winners who depart for the event which will take place on October 2-6, 2024.

"The participation of these athletes is part of the program in the 2020-2028 FPTI strategic plan," said the Indonesian Rock Climbing Manager, Ical Umarella, quoted by Antara.

In the men's speed number, the names who left with Veddriq were Aspar Jaelolo, Alfian Muhammad Fajri, Kiromal Katibin, Rahmad Adi Mulyono, and Raharjati Nursamsa.

The other eight names consist of two male leads and six women's speeds. Two names from the men's lead, namely Ravianto Ramadhan, and Raviandi Ramadhan.

Meanwhile, at the women's speed there are Nurul Iqamah, Desak Made Rita Kusuma Dewi, Alivany Ver Khadijah, Puja Lestari, Susan Nur Hidayah, and Rajiah Sallsabillah.

"Let us together send our prayers and full support for our sports heroes. It is time to show the strength and greatness of Indonesian rock climbing in the eyes of the world," said Ical.

The IFSC World Cup Seoul 2024 will take place at the Kangnam Spots Climbing Center. The ninth edition of the 2024 IFSC World Cup series will break records.

A total of 268 athletes competed, consisting of 157 men and 111 women. They all represent 42 countries from five continents.

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