CIANJUR - "Mamah, don't cry," Niyah said in a hoarse voice, feeling her mother's tears flowing down her face.

Niyah said this when she was in the lap of her mother who took her to the hospital to get help after being crushed by the ruins of the Cianjur earthquake.

"Mamah, don't cry, really. Niyah must be strong, yes," replied the mother, Siti Atiqah, who could not bear to see the 11-year-old boy covered in blood all over her face and part of her body.

To VOI who met him at the Sayang Hospital, Cianjur, on Thursday, November 24, Atiqah told how the moments of the earthquake were still clearly in his memory.

Monday, November 21 afternoon, Atiqah was going to a shop near her house located in Selahuni Village, Nagrak Village, Cianjur District, Cianjur Regency, West Java.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 suddenly shook. Atiqah panicked. Without having time to wear sandals, Atiqah went straight to her house which had been destroyed, razed to the ground, looking for Niyah's whereabouts.

"NAyah! Niyah!" shouted Atiqah with a strong heart rate.

When the earthquake occurred, Niyah was playing on the terrace of her schoolmate's house. Niyah was supine and hugged her friend who was above her body, crushed by debris. Niyah's left leg that was raised was seen by residents on the sidelines of the rubble of the building. Niyah and her friend were immediately evacuated.

Siti Atiqah, while looking for Niyah at her house suddenly remembered that her daughter had said goodbye to play at her friend's house. Atiqah immediately rushed to get there. However, his neighbor informed that Niyah had been taken to the patrol post.

"Mother (Atiqah) met Niyah when she was evacuated at the patrol post. Niyah was screaming in pain. Mother immediately hugged her," said Atiqah.

Realizing that he could not ask an ambulance to come to his area to take Niyah to the hospital, Atiqah asked a neighbor for help to escort her and Atiqah on a motorbike.

"Please give me a way!" exclaimed the neighbor who supplied Niyah and Atiqah to the hospital. The 30-minute trip was very long for Atiqah. Plus, the street terrain at that time was quite difficult due to being covered in building debris.

Along the way to the Sayang Hospital, Atiqah's tears never stopped seeing Niyah limp on her lap. Atiqah strengthens herself and tries to keep Niyah unconscious until she goes to the hospital.

"Nayah, don't sleep," said Atiqah holding Niyah's arm strongly.

"No, Mah. Nayah doesn't sleep really".

Arriving at the hospital, Niyah immediately received help. Four hours later, Niyah's father arrived at the hospital, after returning from his stall stall in the Puncak area.

On the fourth day receiving treatment at the Cianjur Hospital, Niyah's condition began to improve. Even though she often daydreamed, Niyah still responded to Atiqah's words that asked her to speak.

"Alhamdulillah. Even though he is still bruised, Nayah's condition is not like yesterday," said Atiqah.

Niyah has not been allowed to return home until now because she still needs intensive care. Atiqah sees it better. Considering that currently Atiqah and her family have not dared to return to her house which is now razed to the ground.

"Officers are also still prohibiting us from entering the settlements, they are afraid that there will be aftershocks. At the very least, only his father returned home to look for population documents that could be saved," he added.

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