JAKARTA - The World Health Organization (WHO) urges countries in the world to be more vigilant about the spread of the corona virus. Several countries have evacuated their citizens who were at the center of the spread of the virus, in Wuhan, China. WHO urges countries in the world to detect every case of corona that occurs, isolate, and treat patients who have been positively infected.

The warning was issued because the number of sufferers of the corona virus continued to increase. Reported by theguardian.com, WHO will again form an expert committee to determine the status of the corona virus outbreak as an emergency. Moreover, today, Thursday, January 30, there were 7,783 cases of corona in the world, with the death toll reaching 170 people.

"The whole world must be vigilant now. The whole world needs to take action and be ready for every case that comes from the center of the disease," said WHO Head of Health Emergency Program, Doctor Michael Ryan.

Ryan and WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus praised China's openness of information and its handling of the case in Wuhan, and other areas that have become the epicenter of the spread of the corona virus. However, the containment of the corona virus in China is only limited to reducing the danger, not eliminating it.

"Even though the numbers outside China are still relatively small, they have the potential for a much bigger outbreak," Ryan said.

Evacuate nationals of origin from Wuhan

Meanwhile in Wuhan, the evacuation of foreign nationals has been successfully carried out by Japan and the US. Via a plane chartered by the Japanese government, 206 of their citizens were brought from Wuhan to Tokyo. They arrived in Japan on Wednesday, January 29th, morning.

Of the hundreds of people who were evacuated, two of them showed symptoms of pneumonia after being scanned. However, whether it is positive for contracting the corona virus, it cannot be confirmed. Meanwhile, seven other people with cough and fever symptoms will undergo tests.

Meanwhile, other passengers who have arrived in Tokyo, must be quarantined and not allowed to hang out with people for 14 days.

Meanwhile the US has brought 240 citizens to California. The US State Department noted that around 1,000 residents live in Wuhan. Therefore, their evacuation was carried out in stages.

Meanwhile, Indonesia itself is already on standby to evacuate Indonesian citizens in Wuhan. The Indonesian Air Force (TNI) AU has prepared three aircraft to bring 243 Indonesians in Wuhan.

This was announced directly by the Head of the Information Service (Kadispen) of the Indonesian Air Force, Fajar Adrianto. He said they had also prepared personnel from the health battalion.

"We are still on stand by, the Indonesian Air Force is clearly ready, ready whenever it is dispatched," he said.

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