JAKARTA - PT Bio Farma (Persero) stated that until now it had not implemented a pre-order service system for the self-contained COVID-19 vaccination in any form, both for the needs of health facilities and for individuals.

This is done because the government is still finalizing the COVID-19 vaccination scheme for both government assistance and independent needs.

"Currently, Bio Farma is still developing a system that will be used for pre-order ordering of COVID-19 vaccination, especially for independent routes, and until now, there are no provisions or technical arrangements from the government regarding this matter, and most importantly, the implementation of vaccination. We are still waiting for permission to use from the POM, "said Bio Farma spokesperson, Bambang Heriyanto, responding to the circulating advertisements or promos regarding the Pre-Order for COVID-19 Vaccination on independent channels circulating on social media, from several health facilities in Bandung. Saturday.

The arrival of the first stage of the COVID-19 vaccine, amounting to 1.2 million doses of Sinovac on December 6, 2020, has attracted the attention of the public. Currently, while the process of evaluating the use permit from the POM is underway, the government is preparing to implement the COVID-19 vaccination.

Regarding the provision of COVID-19 Vaccination services such as Clinical Hospitals and other Health Facilities, Bambang continued, the registration and verification process is still being carried out, for the independent route, through official associations.

Furthermore, understanding the existence of initiatives, and the need to prepare from the start for people who are interested in vaccination, Bio Farma appealed to health service providers to wait for official government announcements regarding technical instructions for implementing self-order COVID-19 Vaccination pre-orders.

"For further information, please contact the official Bio Farma email, [email protected]," he said.

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