JAKARTA - Professor at the University of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Lydia Freyani Hawadi MSi MM Psychologist reminds parents to give lots of love to their children in order to prevent bullying behavior.

"One of the efforts to prevent bullying behavior in children is by teaching and giving lots of love," said Prof. Lydia Freyani Hawadi as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Prof. Lydia who is also known as Prof. Reni added that children who become perpetrators of bullying are usually those who have been victims of bullying.

"For example, a child who has been the victim of bullying at home, because he does not dare to go against authority, the child takes it out on the outside. Usually, the target or victim of bullying is a weak child," she said.

Because of that, she said, one way to prevent children from becoming perpetrators or victims of bullying is the parents' job and also the community's task in their surroundings is to teach and give lots of love.

"Children who are raised with love and affection will grow as whole individuals. This is something that is very important because it will become a source for him to interact well with his friends or peers," she said.

Prof. Lydia Freyani Hawadi added that childhood is a period of formation that will determine the personality and character of children in the future.

"This formation period determines what an individual will become and how they will be in the future. Parents as the first and foremost environment are obliged to accompany the child's growth and development process and provide things that children need according to the stage of development," she said.

Parents, she added, also have the task of overseeing the child's development based on religious values ​​to guide the child's life in the future.

"Besides that, what is also important is the provision of absolute, unconditional love," she said.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Indonesian Child Protection Institute (LPAI), Dr Seto Mulyadi, or more familiarly called Kak Seto, said strengthening character education is the main key so that children do not become perpetrators of bullying or bullying.

"Character education is the main key so that children have noble character and are full of love," he said.

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