JAKARTA - The very significant development of digitalization in Indonesia in recent years has been able to encourage the creation of a good digital ecosystem. Coupled with the push for the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia since the beginning of 2020 has increased internet use and accelerated digital adoption of daily activities.

According to HootSuite and We Are Social reports, active internet users in Indonesia reached 204.7 million people in early 2022, or an increase of 2.1 million compared to the beginning of the previous year.

The government also encourages people to adapt using digital applications and improve people's digital competencies so that people can adapt to using digital technology and be able to fortify themselves from internet use risks such as online fraud and cyber bullying.

The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkominfo) as the frontline bearer in leading efforts to accelerate the digital transformation of the Indonesian nation in achieving these visions and missions by the Ministry of Communication and Information as regulators, facilitators, and accelerators.

In order to carry out one of these mandates related to the development of human resources from the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkominfo) in collaboration with the National Movement for Digital Literacy in Cybercreation to launch the Indonesia is Increasingly Capable Digital program in 2021.

"In the course of the digital literacy program has succeeded in reaching more than 12 million people in 515 regencies/cities and 34 provinces throughout Indonesia and focusing on increasing the digital insight and skills of the Indonesian people which are measured based on 4 (four) digital pillars, namely Digital Diversity, Digital Ethics, Digital Security, and Digital Culture," said Director General of Aptika Kominfo, Samuel Abriijani Implementation.

A national survey by the Ministry of Communication and Information with Kata Data in 2021 shows that the digital literacy index of Indonesians is at the middle level with a score of 3.49. This is an increase when compared to the same conditions in 2020 which show a score of 3.46.

The Ministry of Communication and Information will continue to improve this achievement by targeting strategic groups in society.

To increase the score of Indonesia's digital literacy index to a good level, the Ministry of Communication and Information will consistently continue to carry out digital literacy activities.

"In 2022, digital literacy training will be provided to 5.5 million people so that the goal of increasing the score of the digital literacy index can be achieved and the increase in digital skills can be utilized optimally, considering that we have great human resource potential," said the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Johnny G. Plate, in his remarks program. Increasingly Capable Digital.

Digital literacy activities are expected to contribute to efforts to stop the spread of hoax news and the negative impact of internet abuse by increasing the cognitive ability of the Indonesian people through various educational programs of digital literacy skills. Being a digital literacy means being able to process various information, being able to understand messages, and communicating effectively with others in various forms.

In addition, being able to digital literacy can spur individuals to switch from passive consumers to active producers, both individually and as part of the community.

Digital literacy will also create a community order with a critical and creative mindset and view. Community members will not be easily consumed by provocative issues and become victims of hoax information or victims of digital-based fraud.

Digital literacy webinars for communities and communities in the Sumatra region and its surroundings have held their 28th webinar in November on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at 15.00 - 17.00 WIB with the theme DIGITAL TIPS: SEGMENTATION-BASED ADS.

The webinar was attended by more than 1,300 people from various community/community groups in the Sumatra region who presented resource persons Lusi Ayu Daningsih, Director of the Digimom Digital Literacy Program; Denisa Nur, Head of RnD Urban Sakola; and Aji Kresno, Chairman of the Marketing Management Study Program & Digital Literacy Practition.

In the webinar, Lusi Ayu Daningsih discusses segmentation-based ads tips reviewed from a digital-capable perspective.

The three objectives are to segment the market. First, it helps to more easily distinguish customer characteristics. Second, it can provide better service with treatment that is in accordance with customer characteristics. Finally, it can make marketing strategies more focused," said Lusi Ayu Daningsih.

Denisa Nur enriched the discussion on segmentation-based ads tips from a digital ethical perspective.

Communication and service will be important in supporting the building of customer loyalty. 3 tips that we can do to stay ethical in serving and communicating with customers. First, always give greetings every time you start a conversation with a customer. Second, use polite sentences and language every time you communicate and serve customers. Lastly, always give a quick response every time there are complaints and questions from customers," explained Denisa Nur.

Aji Kresno completed the discussion regarding segmentation-based ads tips reviewed from a digital security perspective.

There are three simple activities that can be done to maintain the security of your digital device. First, do not carelessly provide customer data information to outsiders. Second, improve system security by updating passwords regularly. Finally, it is not arbitrary in clicking links that are sourced not from clear and reliable sources," said Aji Kresno.

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