JAKARTA - Russia's Central Research Institute of Precision Machine-Building (TsNIITochMash, part of state technology company Rostec) is working on Ratnik's third-generation army combat equipment, said Kalashnikov Group President AlanLushnikov.

"As you know, Ratnik is the second generation. We are now developing a third generation. TsNIITochMash is a key institution in this process. This is its main competence," he explained, quoted from TASS on November 18.

"When we talk about combat equipment, it consists of multiple systems, including a series of weapons. This, of course, also includes small ammunition," he continued. "Various ballistic solutions options are being explored. This is all being worked on right now. I can't reveal the details but this work is ongoing," said Lushnikov.

As a key feature, second-generation combat equipment Ratnik offers the opportunity to suit these outfits with the physical abilities of certain soldiers and combat missions.

In addition to basic combat equipment, defense contractors have developed a version of the commander, clothing for snipers, machine gun shooters and combat vehicle crews.

Ratnik integrates personal protective equipment and a means of protection against weapons of mass destruction. The weapons packages of combat clothing include small weapons, ammunition and vision.

Ratnik also offers the opportunity to integrate warplanes into single-team command and control systems based on communication, control and navigation devices.

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