JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) revealed various reasons why parents do not immunize their children. Among them is because of fear that they are considered inconsistent with their beliefs.

"Why do low-lying mothers bring their children to be vaccinated. First, they are afraid of getting AEFI (After Immunization Follow-up Events)," said Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Maxi Rein Rondonuwu in a press conference broadcast on the Indonesian Ministry of Health's YouTube, Saturday, November 19.

Next, a mother does not immunize her child because of customs that are trusted by the community.

"Her husband doesn't want to give it before going down to the ground, his son hasn't walked yet. That's there either," said Maxi.

"Then there is the issue of belief," he continued.

Maxi reminded that immunization, especially polio immunization, is very important. "If all of our children are vaccinated, get a complete polio (vaccine, ed) I'm sure we will endedicate 2026 again. There is no wild virus anymore," he said.

Previously, a seven-year-old child in Pidie Regency, Aceh was declared to have a type two polio. He initially had a fever and flu on October 6.

Furthermore, symptoms of onset paralyzed on the leg were felt on October 9. The child was then taken to TCD Sigil Hospital on October 18.

The doctor who examined him then took two samples which were then sent to the province and Jakarta for testing. As a result, the child tested positive for polio on November 10.

The child is experiencing a braking condition in the thigh muscles and he has never received immunization. The Ministry of Health said the child had improved his condition but he had to undergo physiotherapy to maintain muscle mass.

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