JAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Semar Team continues to develop the "Semar Proto", a prototype of electric-powered cars with energy consumption that are claimed to be the most efficient in Asia.

"In 2022, we managed to break the temporary record for electric vehicles in Asia," said Head of the UGM Semar Team Abdul Adzim Iftikar Mardiansjah (21) to the media crew at the UGM Campus, Yogyakarta, Friday, November 18.

Semar Proto managed to break the most efficient electric car record during the Shell Eco-M Marathon 2022 category for the battery-electric class prototype at the Mandalika Circuit, NTB on 11-15 October 2022.

The car, which has been designed since 2021, was able to record a distance of 587 km per kWh, ahead of last year's record which was hosted by the HuaQi EV Team from China with a distance of 501 km per kWh.

"This Semar Proto car uses a DC electric motorbike with 250 Watt power and 48 Volt voltage," he said as quoted by Antara.

The one-person energy saving vehicle, developed with a conventional engine that has a drag coefficient of 0.11 and utilizes carbon fiber materials for car bodies.

The choice of the material, according to him, is an effort to get around the weight of the vehicle so that the total weight is only 27 kg.

"This is the lightest weight from the car we have developed," said the UGM machine technique student.

The design chosen is shark form because it is the animal with the most aerodynamic body on earth.

Although the Proto Car is still a vehicle for the race, it is possible that in the future it can be transformed into a commercial car.

"For example, if there is more support from UGM or from anywhere to develop real vehicles for commercial, I'm sure UGM students will be ready," said Abdul Adzim Iftikar Mardiansjah.

Meanwhile, member of the Nazril Nasrudin (20) team added that apart from being efficient and light, the Semar Proto is also equipped with telemetry technology that is able to measure the energy data, speed, and position needed by vehicles while walking.

"All data is sent to the central station right by the team and then sent back to the driver to become a strategy in the race," he said.

Apart from the Proto Semar, the UGM Semar team also developed other advanced cars fueled by gasoline and diesel.

The various cars made by the UGM Semar team often bring home awards from prestigious competitions for energy-efficient cars at the national and even international levels, Nazril Nasrudin said.

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