JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that the High Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab, was afraid of being arrested, so he surrendered on Saturday, December 12.

"So Rizieq felt that he was afraid of being arrested, so he gave up and came to Polda Metro Jaya," said Yusri when confirmed by reporters, Saturday, December 12.

He emphasized that the police did not send summons to the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) leader. "He was afraid, for fear he would give up, not a call," he said.

"Polda Metro Jaya did not call, we will arrest him. Because he was afraid, he was arrested he gave up," he continued.

Previously, Rizieq arrived at the location at around 10:24 WIB. He came with a number of people including the General Secretary of FPI Munarman in a silver Mitsubishi Pajero.

Before entering the General Criminal Directorate Building of Polda Metro Jaya, Rizieq admitted that he was ready to undergo examination in accordance with the applicable laws and in good health.

In this case, Polda Metro Jaya has named Habib Rizieq a suspect in the alleged violation of the health protocol. In addition, there were five other people who were also named suspects in the alleged violation of protocol at Habib Rizieq's celebration.

He was charged under Articles 160 and 216 of the Criminal Code. Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning Incitement to Violence and Not Complying with the provisions of the law, with the threat of six years in prison or a fine of Rp 4,500.

Meanwhile, Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Obstacles to Legal Provisions. The threat is imprisonment for four months and two weeks or a fine of Rp. 9,000.

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