JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) Nurjaman responded to the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative High Court (PTTUN) against an appeal regarding the 2022 DKI Jakarta provincial minimum wage (UMP) proposed by the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

According to Nurjaman, the PTTUN decision which defeated the Jakarta Provincial Government's appeal was in line with the expectations of entrepreneurs in Jakarta.

"The appeal of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government for court decision number 11 was rejected by the State Administrative High Court which is in line with our expectations," said Nurjaman when contacted, Thursday, November 17.

Nurjaman said that his party responded positively to the PTTUN decision which upheld the Jakarta Administrative Court's decision.

This is because the PTTUN decision can be a reference for the Wage Council of DKI Jakarta Province to recommend determining the amount of the DKI Jakarta UMP in 2023 by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono.

"Now it is clear that the basis for the 2023 UMP is based on the Administrative Court's decision," said Nurjaman.

For information, former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan revised Governor Decree (Kepgub) Number 1395 of 2021 concerning the 2022 UMP to Kepgub Number 1517 of 2021.

In the revision, Anies increased the DKI Jakarta UMP in 2022 by 5.1 percent to IDR 4.6 million from the previous decree which only increased 0.85 percent to IDR 4.4 million.

The Governor's Decree No. 1517 of 2022 was sued by entrepreneurs to the Jakarta Administrative Court. The decision of the Administrative Court came out, the panel of judges stated that the Governor's Decree No. 1517 of 2021 was considered a juridical defect in its issuance procedure.

Losing in the Administrative Court, Anies appealed the Administrative Court's decision to the Administrative Court. As of November 15, the Jakarta Administrative Court issued an appeal decision that upheld the Jakarta Administrative Court's decision.

With the PTTUN decision, the amount of the Jakarta UMP in 2022 which became a dispute in the lawsuit returned the DKI UMP to IDR 4.4 million.

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