JAKARTA - A housewife and her child in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), are threatened with 20 years in prison for allegedly smuggling class I narcotics methamphetamine into the Kendari Class IIA Prison.

Director of Drug Research (Dir resnarkoba) Polda Sultra Kombes Muhammad Eka Faturrahman, revealed the suspect initials NY (44) and his son RA (16) who is still a student was caught by prison officers about to smuggle 44 grams of crystal methamphetamine into food for a prisoner and the initials KP ( 50).

"The suspect charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary to Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 on Narcotics with the threat of death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment for a minimum of six years and a maximum of 20 years," said Kombes Eka. , in Kendari, reported by Antara, Friday, December 11.

The suspect tried to smuggle crystal methamphetamine into the prison to give it to an inmate in the prison by putting it in food on Tuesday. December 8th. Suspect RA has the legal status of a minor.

He said, after receiving information that there was an attempt to smuggle shabu-shabu at the Kendari Class IIA prison, his party went straight to the scene of the crime and arrested three people who were suspected of committing the crime of Narcotics.

He said that after securing the suspects, his party confiscated evidence of five packages / packs of narcotics of the gross type of crystal methamphetamine with a gross weight of 44 grams, and two units of cell phones along with their sim cards.

"Then the team brought the suspect and evidence at the Ditresnarkoba Mako for further investigation," he said.

Head of Kendari Abdul Samad Dama Class IIA Prison revealed that it started when a woman with the initials NY (44) and a man RA (16) entrusted food to the inmates with the initials KP (50).

"At around 9:30 a.m., the antas officer named Nurtini, who is in charge of examining the goods deposited at the goods deposit counter, receives goods entrusted to a prisoner inside. According to the procedure, each depositor must show an identity card and witness the inspection of goods," said Abdul Samad, in Kendari, Friday.

He explained, when the officer checked the food and stabbed the diamond, he felt that there was a hard object inside the diamond. So the officer immediately split the diamond and found a plastic wrap containing clear crystals suspected of being methamphetamine.

"So the officer brought in the person who delivered the goods and the food they were depositing into the prison for further examination / search," he said.

Furthermore, with the coordination of the Head of the Regional Office with the Regional Police, the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police's Narcotics Research Directorate immediately came to Kendari Prison to conduct an investigation regarding the case.

"Currently the two perpetrators are secured by the Directorate of Drug Research for further investigation. As for KP inmates, we input cell drafts," concluded the Head of Kendari Class IIA Prison, Abdul Samad Dama.

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