JAKARTA - Bawaslu Cianjur, West Java, received a number of reports regarding allegations of money politics or dawn attacks as well as the existence of a home industry that did not dismiss its employees during voting in the 2020 Cianjur Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

Commissioner for the Supervision of Bawaslu Cianjur Hadi Dzikri Nur said the suspicion of a dawn attack before the vote was accepted by Panwascam in several areas. However, his party is still waiting for the official report and follow-up on the alleged money politics.

"Panwascam immediately followed up with them in their respective regions. We have not received an official report yet, maybe the officers are still tracing and collecting evidence and information from residents. So we cannot say which candidate pairs money politics is coming from," said Hadi when contacted in Cianjur, dialnsir Antara. , Friday, December 11th.

Not only money politics, his party also received reports on the existence of a home industry in Pacet Subdistrict that did not leave its employees on the day of voting, so that dozens of employees in the home industry were unable to channel their aspirations.

"Panwascam is still clarifying the owners of the home industry. We are still investigating the reasons for the owners that prevented employees from channeling their aspirations," said Hadi.

His party, he said, would not hesitate to take action against any party who violated the election and prevented voters from getting their voting rights. Even during the campaign stage until the D-day, his party has submitted three election cases that have been decided in court.

"We make sure that every report will be followed up completely. Moreover, the issue of money politics will of course be followed up. Including reports of home industries that do not leave employees off," said Hadi.

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