BANGKA - Belitung Regent Sahani Saleh asked residents of Gresik Island, Selat Nasik District to move from the location to anticipate tidal wave flood disasters (rob). "The solution is like it or not, they have to relocate themselves or move to other places that are safer from the threat of tidal flooding because they have entered the west season and extreme weather," he said in Tanjung Pandan, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Antara, Wednesday, November 16. This was conveyed by the Regent when responding to the incident of nine houses on Gresik Island, Nasik Strait District which were damaged by tidal waves. He appealed to residents of Gresik Island to evacuate to a safer place, especially entering the west season or extreme weather at the end of the year. "Because we are fighting against natural factors that are impossible to fight, but we continue to strive so that people are no longer affected by disasters like this," he said. According to him, the current global warming has caused polar ice to melt, raising the sea level. "Reported in one year the sea level rose by 10 centimeters, try to imagine that 10 years has reached one meter," he said. Previously, the local government had planned to relocate the residents of Gresik Island. The government plans to move the residents of Gresik Island to Aur Island and Kalang Bau Island. These two islands are considered safer from abrasion threats because they are protected by mangrove forests and corals. "We have also prepared facilities such as schools, places of worship and clean water, but some residents feel they may not be suitable so they choose to build a house to Tanjung Pandan," he said. He appealed to people on the Gresik Island of the Nasik Strait to always be aware of the threat of waves entering extreme weather today. "We urge residents who are still there not to build houses on the beach, although currently some residents of Gresik Island do not make houses there as residences but to stop when they are making a living as fishermen," he said.

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