NTT - An animal trader from Timor Leste was deported by the Class IIA Immigration Office for Immigration Checks (TPI) Atambua in Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The merchant entered Indonesian territory illegally.

"A Timorese citizen with the initials JPC (32) was deported because he entered illegally through the Maubasa area, Belu Regency," said Head of the Class IIA Immigration Office TPI Atambua, KA Halim, when confirmed, quoted from Antara, Tuesday 15 November

He explained that JPC was arrested by members of the Belu Police in the Halilulik area. The animal trader was arrested when he asked the guard officers for permission to stay at the West Tasifeto Police

However, when his identity was checked, JPC was found to have entered Indonesian territory illegally through the Mautasa area, Raihya District. He does not have official travel documents.

The JPC, which bought livestock for resale in the country in Timor Leste, was deemed to have violated the provisions. He was immediately detained by the Belu Police and escorted to the Atambua Immigration Office for further investigation.

"The examination has been carried out and the person concerned is subject to sanctions in the form of imprisonment for six months by the Atambua Immigration Office," he said.

Halim explained that Atambua Immigration officers had repatriated the foreigner through the Mota'ain Cross-Border Post (PLBN) to the Batugede Timor Leste Immigration Post and received by local Immigration officers.

Halim said that during the investigation, his party also again gave a firm warning to the foreigner so that he would no longer repeat the unlawful act by illegally crossing the territory between countries.

"We remind you firmly so that you don't repeat your actions again, and if you cross the country's borders you must make travel documents or passports and are required to go through the Immigration Checkpoint," he concluded.

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