AMBON - The Maluku Regional Police added two units at the level of a platoon (SST) to overcome inter-village conflicts, in Elath Village andwield Village, Southeast Maluku.

"This morning at 11.00 WIT, the Kapolda has also ordered the Malra Police Chief to deploy troops there and two platoon-level units have arrived led directly by the Malra Police Chief and the Malra Police Deputy Chief," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Police Commissioner M Roem Ohoirat, in Ambon, quoted by Antara Saturday, November 12.

He explained that the conflict occurred due to the efforts of some villagers to install cassation or customary prohibitions on the border with Elath Village by claiming it belonged to them.

The attempt to install the customary prohibition was disbanded by the police but the incident that was carried out suddenly caused the army and police to be overwhelmed.

"So the clashes between the two groups are unavoidable. This is because it is not accepted by groups from Elath Village, so there is a concentration of masses and between the two sides attacks each other," he said.

As a result of the clashes, continued Roem, a number of victims who were injured were hit by arrows from both sides, and the police were also injured.

"Currently, one member has been evacuated to Tual for treatment while the other one was treated at the Elath Health Center. Meanwhile, we did not have time to record the number of other victims, but there were several victims who were injured, either from a stab, or from an arrow from both parties," he said.

In addition, there were a number of houses burned down, the construction of junior high and high school schools in Kei Besar, and other damages.

Previously, the two villages had also clashed on October 6, 2022, which resulted in 31 victims, of which Ohoi Had 15 victims, and Ohoi Elath as many as 16 victims.

The incident on October 6 was anticipated and three SST had been placed in the joint army and police force there.

"The Maluku Police deeply regrets the re-occurrence of clashes between two villages in Kei Besar, namely between Elath Village and Kalimantan Village that occurred this morning," he said.

He admitted that until now the situation has returned to being safe and conducive, and five SSTs have been in the field to anticipate unwanted events that are repeated.

"However, no matter how many troops are stationed there, without any awareness from the community, the clashes could be repeated. Therefore, this is the responsibility of all of us, the responsibility of the local government, religious leaders, community leaders, let's play an active role to provide a sense of security and peace in the region," he said.

He appealed to the local community to remain restrained and return to living in harmony as before, without any conflict or clashes.

"Because what is done like that will definitely harm both parties and the community there," he said.

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