Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto met with East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi today, Thursday, November 10. The meeting was held in private.
Before talking in a closed meeting, Khofifah had time to greet Hasto who was present at the Surabaya Mayor's official residence. In addition, the Chairperson of the East Java PDIP DPD together with the Secretary of the PDIP DPD Kusnadi and Sri Untari were also present.
Kemudian juga hadir Ketua DPC PDIP Surabaya Adi Sutarwijono. Khofifah tiba di rumah dinas Eri sekitar pukul 17.30 WIB. Saat itu, Hasto dan Eri yang sudah berbincang lebih dahulu langsung menyambut.
"Two hours of pinten, Mr. Hasto? (Until what time is Surabaya?)," asked Khofifah upon arrival at the mayor's official residence.
"Yesterday, ma'am," replied Hasto.
After that, Eri Cahyadi invited Khofifah and Hasto to enter the living room at the official residence.
Hasto opened the conversation jokingly and invited Eri and Khofifah to take off their masks. Then Khofifah and Eri agreed by removing the mask.
After that, they were seen talking. However, it is not known exactly what the contents of the conversation at the meeting were. Until 18.20 WIB, the meeting was still held behind closed doors.
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