JAKARTA - Jasa Raharja together with Amazon Web Services (AWS), signed a cooperation agreement regarding the development of artificial intelligence (AI)/ML for safety campaign, and the Co Innovation Lab and culture of innovation, at Amazon? 14 Office, New York, on Monday 7 November.

With this collaboration, the Indonesian government through Jasa Raharja, Ministry of Transportation, Police, Samsat Trustees, BUMN, startup companies, academics, mass media, and other relevant stakeholders will collaborate with AWS to optimize opportunities to build innovation culture.

Jasa Raharja President Director Rivan A. Purwantono, said that later AWS will share the key to Amazon's success in building innovating mindsets and cultures that focus on customer service.

"This sharing will be carried out through keynote speech, workshop, joint innovation lab, and artificial intelligence competition in accordance with the mandate given to Jasa Raharja," said Rivan, after signing the agreement with the Deputy Minister II of the Ministry of SOEs, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo and Director of Institutional Relations at Jasa Raharja, Munadi Herlambang.

Jasa Raharja, Rivan continued, really welcomes this cooperation agreement. According to him, this collaboration will have a positive impact on services to the Indonesian people.

"Of course this is our common opportunity to explore the key to Amazon's success in providing maximum service to its customers. With the sake of creating added value for sustainable growth or sustainable growth," Rivan hoped in a written statement received by VOI.

Meanwhile, in his direction, Deputy Minister of BUMN II, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, said that with this cooperation, Jasa Raharja further strengthens its digital-based corporate transformation, which focuses on three things, namely reducing the accident rate in Indonesia, increasing the collection rate of motorized vehicle taxes (PKB), and verifying hospital claims.

"Hopefully this collaboration with Amazon Web Services can provide benefits, not only to Jasa Raharja, but also to all stakeholders of Jasa Raharja," said Kartika.

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