JAKARTA - Ferdy Sambo's former aide, Adzan Romer, demonstrated Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J lying lifeless under the stairs.
In addition, he also explained in detail the whereabouts or positions of the defendants, Strong Ma'ruf and Ricky Rizal, when the bloody incident occurred.
Adhan Romer demonstrated and described the situation and conditions based on the request of the panel of judges.
"Try to show the situation where the victim, Ricky and Strong are with your friends?", said the judge during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, November 9.
According to Romer, Brigadier J is close to the stairs at Ferdy Sambo's official residence, Police Complex, South Jakarta.
Then, he also explained the positions of Daden Miftahul Haq, Prayogi Iktara Wikaton, and Farhan Sabililah. They are aides and drivers of Ferdy Sambo.
"The victim was near the stairs, so here there is a ladder there for the victim. Om Strong near the stairs but rather far, near the fish pond in the house," said Romer.
Meanwhile, Ricky Rizal's position was disbursed, he did not know. However, he had met in the kitchen
"I asked (Ricky) what was wrong, he didn't answer, I saw the body there seeing the deceased lying down. Then I came here, I initially asked Richard koofta (Bharada E), what was Chad?," he said.
"But because I'm also afraid, sir, so I changed course like this, sir (turn around). So I can see everyone here, sir, because I don't know what's going on inside," continued Romer.
For information, Romer was presented to testify in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J for the defendants Strong Ma'ruf and Ricky Rizal.
In this case, Strong Ma'ruf and Ricky Rizal were jointly charged with premeditated murder against Brigadier J. Thus, they are suspected of violating Article 340 subsidiary 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
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