JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is reviewing the option of forced pick-up of Papua Governor Lukas Enembe from Jayapura, Papua. All possibilities will be analyzed.

"Whether the forced pick-up or summons according to a legal and legal mechanism like other cases, or what, of course, we will conduct an in-depth analysis first," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Wednesday, November 9.

Ali said the KPK could not act at will to bring Lukas Enembe. According to him, there are mechanisms and methods regulated by law.

Thus, he ensured that all steps taken by the anti-corruption commission against suspected corruption suspects were reviewed. "We do it in accordance with the provisions of the law," he said.

"If later it is necessary to have a forced pick-up of a suspect, yes, we will definitely do it. But of course we have to do an in-depth analysis," Ali continued.

The KPK does not want its steps in investigating the alleged corruption that ensnared Lukas to violate the law. Moreover, in efforts to eradicate corruption, everything must be based on existing rules and uphold human rights.

"Because actually in the perka process, the most important thing is how the mechanism can run and be completed so that there can be legal certainty," said Ali.

As previously reported, the anti-corruption commission named Lukas Enembe as a suspect. Calls have been made for examination but he did not attend due to illness.

This condition made KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri together with a team of KPK doctors and the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) and investigators leave for Jayapura on Thursday, November 3. At that time, Lukas was investigated for his alleged corruption.

However, the examination was immediately completed due to Lukas' health. He was sick and his condition had been examined by a team of doctors who were brought by the KPK.

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