JAKARTA - The shooting case for the six laskar specifically for Rizieq Shihab's guard is still a polemic. Police said the shooting was carried out by officers in self-defense. Because, the special laskar carried out the attack.

On the other hand, FPI claimed that behind the shooting there had never been any form of resistance from the soldiers. The police were said to have shot the laskar directly.

With this difference in version, the National Police emphasized that in the near future it would convey everything related to the case. In fact, it will also be strengthened by supporting evidence.

"Investigators are in the process of carrying out investigations. Just wait, they will be presented with the supporting evidence," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Thursday, December 10.

Thus, Argo did not want to respond much to the FPI's claims. But he emphasized that the chronological outline of the incident was in accordance with what was conveyed by the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, some time ago.

"Just follow the statement that has been conveyed by the Metro Police Chief," he said.

Even though the Police have confirmed that they will clearly disclose the results of the case handling, there are still some parties who still doubt it. One of them, Gerindra Party politician, Fadli Zon.

Fadli stated that he believed more in the chronology of the clash that led to the shooting of the six special army guards of Rizieq Shihab from the FPI version. The reason is, so far what has been said is still in the logic.

"The two great narratives were presented to the people. Which one can be trusted the most? I myself believe more in the narrative and chronology put forward by FPI because it makes much more sense," said Fadli in a discussion broadcast on Youtube LDTV.

Meanwhile, Fadli assessed that the narrative presented by the police still seemed odd. In fact, it's very easy to argue with that.

"With the paramilitary narrative using pistols and sharp weapons, those were classic intelligence methods in the past," said Fadli.

In fact, Fadli also thinks that behind this case the government shows the side of authoritarianism in dealing with Rizieq. This is because he has not heard of any government officials or state institutions expressing their condolences for the death of six FPI troops.

"There doesn't seem to be the slightest bit of regret. Then, we don't see any condolences from figures of the security apparatus and also leaders of high state officials. I haven't heard so far," he said.

Police Evidence

Even though many doubts were directed at the police, investigators still took steps to collect evidence. So, all doubts will be answered later.

For now, there are two pieces of evidence that are being investigated by the police. First about the possession of firearms (senpi) which were said to be used by members of the FPI special laskar guarding Rizieq Shihab.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that in possession of this senpi the police investigated a 9 mm bullet. Currently, this bullet is still being tested for ballistics.

"It's still a ballistic test, so we are still studying every evidence," said Yusri.

When the ballistic test is completed, said Yusri, the police will take other legal steps. Thus, strengthening the legal basis of ownership of the senpi.

"Later we will hold pre-reconstruction and reconstruction. In time we will convey it," he said.

On the other hand, Yusri emphasized that the two weapons used as evidence in the assault case were used by special troops. This is based on other evidence that has been collected.

"I emphasize here that the investigators have gathered that there is evidence that the gun is the owner who carried out the attack," he said.

Then, other evidence is in the form of CCTV footage. The police said that this CCTV footage would later answer the doubts of all parties.

However, for now the recording cannot be delivered. This is because investigators are still collecting them.

Collecting CCTV footage is also not an easy matter. Investigators encountered several obstacles when trying to compile several recordings into one unit. This is because the recording is divided into three different servers.

"There are indeed 3 series of servers in CCTV, then the Cikampek road is still being collected by investigators to extract it," he said.

Transparent Investigation

On the other hand, the National Police also emphasized that the handling of this case was carried out transparently and professionally. This is because the investigator who handled the case was supervised by the Professional and Security Division (Propam).

"All actions carried out by the members in the fingerprints are monitored and secured by the Propam Division. All of this is done so that the investigation of this case is transparent," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Tuesday, December 8.

Under supervision, Argo said that Propam had formed a special team. In fact, the handling of this case has been withdrawn to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"The Head of the Propam Division has formed a team. Currently the case has been withdrawn to the Police Headquarters," he said.

Meanwhile, in relation to the investigation process, Puslabfor Polri is examining the car that was used when the shooting incident occurred. So, later the results of the investigation can be used as additional evidence.

"Currently, Puslabfor is checking cars," he said.

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