YOGYAKARTA - The G20 Summit will be held in Bali in November 2022. The Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono informed that his soldiers were ready to secure the grand event. Approximately, the elite TNI AL troops secured the G20 with any troops?

Yudo said as many as 3,000 soldiers from the Naval Base (Lanal) around Bali would be deployed to secure the course of the G20 Summit. Not only that, as many as 12 warships from the Republic of Indonesia (KRI) until Navy aircraft were involved.

"We involve 12 KRIs with approximately 3,000 personnel. Starting from the Marines or Marines, or Lanals related to Lantamal 5, Banyuwangi Lanal, or Lanal Benoa, including airplanes," said Admiral Yudo in North Jakarta, recently.

The KRIs deployed to carry out security patrols at 12 mi of territoriality in the Nusa Dua region, Bali on November 15 to 16, 2022 will come, namely KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata-331, KRI Surabaya-591, KRI Teluk Banten-516, KRI Bimasuci, KRI Karel Satsuit Tubun-356, KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda-367, KRI Fatahillah 361, KRI Sultan Nuku-373, KRI Tarakan-905, KRI Abdul Halim Perdanakusuma-355, KRI Untung Suropati-372, KRI Hasan Basri-382, as well as three Panther helicopters and two Bell helicopters.

Meanwhile, 3,000 personnel in the security, including the Joint Special Forces from Koarmada I, II, and III with the marine, will be led by the ILaksda TNI TSNB Hutabarat as Commander of the Marine Task Force (Dansatgasla). The ceremony for the deployment of troops and the main weapon method (alutsista) of the Indonesian Navy for sea security at the G20 Summit was carried out at Madura Koarmada II Pier, Ujung Surabaya, Friday (4/11/2022) led by the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral TNI, Yudo Margono.

Kasal said there was no combination with troops or warships from other countries members of the G20. Even if they exist, Lombok waters will be provided to anchor. "We suggest them to anchor in a predetermined place. We give them in the Lombok or Benua area. We hope they are not included in security. Our territory is our sovereignty. So if they want security outside the territory," said Yudo.

Berdasarkan Laksamana Yudo, Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah penyelenggaraan G20 akan mengambil penuh pengamanan kawasan laut, sebab tak ada negara lain yang mengajukan latihan operasi gabungan dengan TNI AL Indonesia. "PENGamanan kita tak ada intervensi dengan negara lain sebab kita tak tahu negara lain bagaimana prosedurnya. Jikalau ikut serta seharusnya ada latihan operasi gabungan bersama. Hingga kini belum ada," tambahnya.

After the apple, Yudo reviewed all the readiness of the troops including the ship. One of them is the anti-submarine torpedo weapon belonging to KRI KAREL SATSUITUBUN-356 which is confirmed to work. "If an opposing submarine is detected by sonar, we will communicate it first. If it does not want a surface, we will give a warning shot of RBU, it will be light. If not, we will give torpedo fire," he said.

In addition, two elite Indonesian Navy troops, the Jalamangkara Detachment (Denjaka) and the Frog Troop Command (Kopaska), were deployed to secure the plan for the G20 Summit in Bali, 15-16 November 2022.

The Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono said the two special forces would be on guard over the War Head of the Republic of Indonesia (KRI) of the Indonesian Navy who participated in the deployment. "There is a special force from Denjaka, then Kopaska is on board at the KRI," said Yudo.

The Jalamangkara Detachment (Denjaka) was prepared on November 13, 1984. The elite Indonesian Navy troops consisted of a combination of soldiers from the Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion (Yontaifib) and the Frog Troop Command (Kopaska).

However, the forerunner of this troop has existed since the formation of the Navy Special Forces (Pasula) on November 4, 1982.

This troop was prepared because there was an urgent need for Indonesian Navy special forces to tackle all forms of security threats from the sea aspect, such as terrorism, sabotage, and others. Two years after that, Denjaka was legally established according to the order of the Commander of ABRI No. Ins/01/P/IV/1984. Gafur Chaliq was appointed the first commander of Denjaka.

Denjaka's main task is to foster anti-terror and anti- sabotage skills in the sea and coastal areas, as well as clandestein skills in other aspects of the sea.

They are tasked with preventing and taking action against various acts of terror rapidly and on target by avoiding the few possible fatalities.

Denjaka soldiers are required to dominate various skills, such as achieving targets through cross-air techniques, limiting underwater systems, and crossing over silent water.

The Frog Troop Command or Kopaska is one of the combat units owned by the Indonesian Navy. This troop is a component of the TNI as the front guard in Indonesia's defense.

Kopaska was founded by President Soekarno and determined according to the Decree of the Minister/Head of Naval Staff Number Kep.M/KSAL.5401.13 on March 31, 1962.

However, the idea of drafting this troop has existed since the era of Indonesia's independence revolution.

The Kopaska slogan is Tan Hana Wighna Tan Sirna which means There are no obstacles that cannot be solved.

This Corps was prepared to help the Indonesian government in resolving the West Irian issue. To be precise, entering the Trikora Operation to take West Irian from the hands of the Dutch.

Kopaska's main task, namely:

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