YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has again received the spotlight from the public after a former police officer named Ismail Bolong revealed that there was an illegal mining crime. A number of facts about Ismail Bolong's statement were revealed in a video that went viral on social media.

Aiptu Ismail Bolong himself admitted that he previously served in Samarinda. He also revealed that money had flowed to several parties. The following is a summary of Ismail Bolong's confession.

In his confession, Ismail Bolong admitted that he was involved in mining crimes in Santan Ulu Village, Marang Kayu District, Kab. Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan Province. The mine was not accompanied by a permit so it was illegal.

"Regarding coal mining in the East Kalimantan region, it is true that I work as a coal collector from a concession without a permit," said Ismail, quoted from a video that had gone viral on social media.

The illegal mining business carried out by Ismail Bolong was carried out in Borneo Earth around Santan Ulu, Marangkayu District, Kukar Regency. The area becomes the jurisdiction of the Bontang Police.

Coal collection itself was carried out while he was still in police uniform, from July 2020 to November 2021 and was carried out on his own initiative without orders from the leadership.

"In this illegal coal collection activity, there was no order from the leadership. But on my personal initiative. Therefore, I apologize profusely for the actions I took," he continued.

The profit earned by Ismail Bolong in coal collection reached billions of rupiah. According to his confession, the profit obtained was between Rp. 5 to Rp. 10 billion.

The profit I get from coal collection and sales ranges from 5 to 10 billion each month.

Even more surprising, Ismail Bolong admitted that he had coordinated with Kabareskrim regarding his illegal coal collection business activities.

"Regarding the activities I carried out, I have coordinated with Kabareskrim.

Ismail Bolong admitted to depositing a sum of money three times and being handed over directly to Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto in the office. The money was handed over in September 2021, October 2021, and November 2021. The total money handed over was IDR 6 billion.

"Regarding the activities I carried out, I have coordinated with Kabareskrim, namely to Mr. Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto by giving him three times. Namely in September 2021 it was IDR 2 billion, in October 2021 it was IDR 2 billion, and in November 2021 it was IDR 2 billion," said Ismail.

The money from the illegal mining business does not only flow to Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto. The reason is, Ismail Bolong also admitted that he was coordinating with the Bontang Police Chief.

"As for the coordination of the Bontang Police Chief, I once provided assistance of Rp. 200 million in August 2021 which I handed over directly to Kasatreskrim Bontang AKP Asriadi in his room," he said.

After the video that revealed the collection of coal went viral, Ismail Bolong again made a video containing clarification on the video made earlier. Here are some points.

In the second video, Ismail Bolong stated that he had retired early and apologized to Kabareskrim for the video that went viral on social media.

My name Ismail Bolong is currently retiring early from active police members starting July 2022. I apologize to Kabareskrim for the current viral news circulating. I clarified that the news was not true.

Ismail Bolong also confirmed that the news of him never coordinating with Kabareskrim. He doesn't even know Pak Kabareskrim.

"I make sure I never communicated with Pak Kabareskrim, let alone gave money. I don't know," said Ismail Bolong in his second viral video.

After expressing his apology, Ismail said that when he made the first video he was under pressure. He mentioned the name of the former Karopaminal Divpropam Polri Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan.

As is known, Hendra Kurniawan is now a defendant in obstruction of justice in the murder case of Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

"I explained that in February members of the National Police Headquarters came to examine me to make a testimonial to Kabareskim with great pressure from Brigadier General Hendra at that time. I communicated clarification via cellphone, threatening to bring it to Jakarta if I didn't do the testimonials," said Ismail Bolong.

Ismail Bolong explained that he was at the Regional Police at 22.00 WIB until 02.00 WIB. At that time he also received intimidation from Brigadier General Hendra. Ismail was then taken Palminal Headquarters to a hotel in Balikpapan.

"The Headquarters decided to take him to a hotel in Balikpapan. At the hotel, it was offered to read the testimonial, there was a paper that had been handwritten by the Palminal Headquarters and recorded by the cellphones of members of the National Police Headquarters," he said.

In his confession, Ismali also admitted that he was contacted by Brigadier General Hendra three times via cellphone.

"I was called by Brigadier General Hendra three times via cellphone. 'You have to make a testimonial' he said. I can't talk. Finally, I moved to the hotel and there was paper to read the contents. I apologize to Kabareskim for the viral news now," he said.

That's the fact of Ismail Bolong's statement. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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