JAKARTA - Central Jakarta Metro Resort Police (Polrestro) investigators plan to question two suspects in connection with the "Berdendang Berggy" music festival at Istora, Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Complex, Senayan, Tuesday, November 8 or Wednesday, November 9.
"We have sent a summons as a suspect, hopefully, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Komarudin, quoting Antara, Monday, November 7.
Komarudin said that the two people who were named as suspects were HA as the person in charge of the event and DP as the director. Currently, his party is still completing the Minutes of Investigation (BAP) by requesting statements from witnesses.
"Yesterday was during the investigation, interrogation, now the BAP is investigating, whether it will change or not, we will see the results of the BAP later," he said.
Komarudin also said that until the time he was named a suspect on Saturday, November 5, the two suspects had not answered the reason for the excess ticket sales.
"Currently, the file process is still ongoing. What is clear is that the legal process is already underway and has been designated as a suspect," he said.
The Central Jakarta Metro Resort Police (Polrestro) has named two people as suspects at the "Berdendang Bergoyang" music festival at Istora, Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Complex, Senayan.
"The 'Berdendang Bergoyang' Festival per day has two suspects as suspects," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Komarudin.
Komarudin said that the two people who were named as suspects were HA as the person in charge of the event and DP as the director.
"We are still carrying out investigations, maybe later we can add more, while two suspects have been named," he said again.
The person in charge of the music festival is subject to Article 360 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code (KUHP) concerning Negligence Causing Serious Injury. Then Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.
Initially, the concert was planned to last for three days, namely October 28-30, 2022. However, the number of visitors who exploded on the second day made the Police decide to cancel the concert on the third day.
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