JAKARTA - One of the states in Australia, Queensland, has proposed the City of Brisbane to host the 2032 Olympics. This means that Indonesia's competition for the position of hosting the world-class sports competition is getting tighter.

Quoting Reuters on Wednesday December 9, Queensland's Chief Minister, Annastacia Palaszczuk, said she would discuss financing arrangements for the Olympics with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. He will hold the talks at a national cabinet meeting to be held on Friday 11 December. The effort was delayed for six months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This is a partnership, so there is an agreement that the two governments will provide funds for it (the Olympics), so I am happy to have further discussions with the Prime Minister," Palaszcuk said.

Palaszcuk said the Queensland Olympic task force will reconvene in 2021 to work on the Olympic project. All concerned parties will meet in Brisbane which will also involve staging events on the Gold Coast and the nearby Sunshine Coast.

Tight competition

A number of countries have expressed interest in submitting bids for the 2032 Olympics, including Indonesia. Other countries that have submitted submissions to host the 2032 Olympics are Germany, Spain, India, and the joint submissions of North and South Korea.

"Our bid compared to other countries is a very strong bid," said Australian Olympic Committee leader John Coates.

“The most important thing is support from three levels of government, good community support, and the fact that the timing is the right opportunity to get out of COVID-19 and create jobs and create growth. This is a good goal that will impress the IOC. "

The Australian PM met with the chairman of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach in Japan in November. They discussed Brisbane's bid to host the 2032 Olympics and discussed the Tokyo Olympics being postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Paris is hosting the 2024 Olympics and Los Angeles is confirmed to host the 2028 Olympics.

Early November, President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially ordered his cabinet to begin preparing a road map for Indonesia's efforts to host the 2032 Olympics.In a cabinet meeting on November 4, President Jokowi instructed officials to prepare Jakarta's bid for the Olympics before the Olympic Committee The International (IOC) begins its host selection process in 2023.

As Jokowi said to the cabinet, the offer was intended to continue Indonesia's success in hosting the 2018 Asian Games, which has boosted confidence and opened the world's eyes that Indonesia is capable of hosting international events. Jokowi first signaled his intention to submit an offer by letter to the IOC in early 2019.

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