JAKARTA - The public is asked not to be afraid to criticize the Indonesian National Police (Polri). In fact, the public must have a role in improving police performance.

This was emphasized by the Chairman of the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso. "Regarding supervision by the public, don't be afraid (criticizing the Police)," said Sugeng, as reported by Antara, Saturday, November 5.

Sugeng said the National Police under the leadership of General Listyo Sigit Prabowo was not anti-criticism. Based on research conducted by IPW since 2021, attacks after attacks on Polri institutions are well received as constructive criticism.

"We researched as long as Mr. Listyo was the National Police Chief, indeed there were those who were arrested by critics in 2021, then ordered to be released. That is usually by the regional police. No matter how harsh criticism is now heard and accepted without counterattack," said Sugeng.

In 2022, he continued, there was a law enforcement case against a lawyer known to be the critic of the National Police, namely Alvin Lim. Alvin Lim's arrest last October at Bareskrim Polri was not by the police, but by prosecutors related to other cases.

Alvin Lim made criticisms that could be used as material to counterattack the police.

"In fact, there was one person, Alvin Lim was arrested but not by the police, but by another case, he even attacked the police completely. Pak Sisno Adiwinoto, Chairman of the National Police Retired, suggested that reporting be carried out by the police, but not until now. So, it means that the National Police Chief heard the community, not anti-criticism, it was carried out," he explained.

IPW also agrees with the formation of an instrument that can legitimize the actions of the National Police Chief to be followed by all staff. The hope is that in the future the Police can become a truly anti-critical institution.

"But this really has to be formed in one instrument, at least a warrant is like that to all leaders, that criticism should not be responded to with criminal reporting," he added.

Therefore, for the sake of improving the Police, Sugeng asked the public not to be afraid to take part, by jointly supervising the Police and reporting law enforcement officers who commit violations.

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