JABAR - The Cirebon District Health Office (Dinkes) fired two honorariums that were caught by residents committing immoral acts. The nasty act took place at the workplace of the two of them at the Kaliwedi Health Center, Cirebon, West Java (West Java).

"We give strict sanctions in the form of revocation of the letter of assignment and dishonorable dismissal of two honorary people who commit immoral acts," said Head of the Cirebon Neneng Hasanah Health Office in Cirebon, quoted from Antara, Thursday, November 3.

Neneng said the dishonorable dismissal of two temporary staff at the Kaliwedi Health Center was because the behavior of the two was deemed inappropriate. According to him, this action has tarnished the good name of the Cirebon Health Office.

For the two perpetrators, a letter of assignment and dishonorable dismissal have been carried out as a health worker within the Cirebon Health Office.

"This dismissal is because both of them have committed immoral acts that tarnished the good name of Cirebon Regency," he said.

Neneng explained that the head of the puskesmas is an extension of the health office, which must be able to foster and maintain the good name of the Health Office, both human resources, facilities and infrastructure in the Puskesmas.

So that its existence can provide maximum service to the community, for that it will continue to improve coaching so that this incident does not happen again in the future.

"In accordance with applicable regulations, the health office as a health service agency must be responsive to all problems that occur in the work environment. If there is a shortage, we will continue to provide guidance to all employees so that they can improve the quality of health services," he said.

The honorary officer was caught by residents committing immoral acts in one of the rooms in the Kaliwedi Health Center on Monday, October 31 night. The actions of the two were recorded in a video that was widely spread in cyberspace.

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