JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will examine Lukas Enembe today, Thursday, November 3. The Papuan governor will be questioned at his home, Jayapura. "Yes (today, red). Later (the examination, red) will be at 13.00 WIT, (if, red) Jakarta at 11.00 pm," said Lukas Enembe's attorney, Aloysius Renwarin, to reporters, Thursday, November 3. Aloysius said Lukas would first be investigated regarding the alleged corruption that ensnared him. The independent team of doctors brought by the KPK will only conduct an examination if his client's condition worsens. "Usually it's a mechanism (examination, red) for cases first. It's only if it's disturbed to a health check," he said. Kubu Lukas ensured that his party would cooperate. Aloysius stated that his client had long invited the anti-corruption commission to come to Jayapura and carry out its duties. "It's ready (checked, red). From last week we opened the door," he said. Previously, the KPK confirmed that it would dispatch a team to Jayapura, Papua to examine Lukas Enembe this week. However, they did not specify the exact time. "God willing, we will go there this week," said KPK Deputy for Enforcement and Execution Karyoto to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, November 2. Karyoto ensured that the KPK had coordinated with local security forces before dispatching the team. They don't want anything unwanted to happen. "Hopefully in the near future it can be carried out (examination, ed) well without any obstacles," he said.

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