JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said restorative justice cannot be applied in handling corruption cases. This application is considered to be increasingly beneficial for corruptors.

"By using the Corruption Act, which includes imprisonment, the sentence is still low, especially with the restorative justice mechanism," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters, Tuesday, November 1.

Kurnia then detailed the results of the ICW study which showed a trend of punishment for corruptors. According to him, the average sentence at trial was only 3 years and 5 months in prison.

Thus, the application of restorative justice is considered to be detrimental to the community. "Of course the perpetrators will benefit more and the community as victims will not get justice," he said.

Instead of implementing things that are not certain, Kurnia assessed that the KPK should propose an amendment to the Corruption Act. In addition, statements to conduct restorative justice studies should not be submitted.

Moreover, since the beginning the KPK rejected the Attorney General's steps regarding the concept of restorative justice corruption of Rp. 50 million. "However, at this time instead, he said otherwise, arguing that he was reviewing the concept," he said.

As previously reported, the KPK is trying to conduct a study on the application of restorative justice to investigate allegations of corruption. The assessment was carried out in order to get the right formula in eradicating racism.

"Until now, we are still conducting a study on the application of restorative justice to corruption. This is a process of looking for a form so that the legal process can really solve the nation's problems from criminal acts of corruption," said KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron in a written statement, Friday, October 28.

What is meant by restorative justice is the concept of resolving criminal acts peacefully, tolerating the victim, looking for solutions, not looking for right or wrong, reconciliation, restitution, no punishment, improving relations and cutting grudges, involving professional mediators and mediation.

Returning to Ghufron, he said this study must be carried out so that the KPK has the best formula in eradicating corruption in order to create justice. However, Ghufron reminded that corruption cases are different from other crimes.

The reason is that corruption is usually carried out by many parties and causes losses. Moreover, the anti-corruption commission is currently prioritizing an examination judicial process.

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