JAKARTA - Former Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Ganip Warsito has officially joined as a cadre of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP).

Ganip revealed that the reason he joined the party bearing the white-nosed bull was because he felt that he fit the history and ideology of the PDIP.

"Why did I choose PDIP? Because I see the history of idealism, ideology and nationalism, PDIP. I feel it is right to go there," Ganip told reporters during a briefing event for new cadres at the Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Sunday, October 30.

In addition, he feels that he still has the ability to think, work, and desire to continue the struggle for the people, nation and state.

"And I want to fight too because I am a former TNI, of course fighting for the TNI and the strong people for this nation and country," he continued.

Ganip also admitted that he still wanted to fight for the people by entering as a member of the legislature in the DPR RI.

According to him, the Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto opened a space for him to prepare himself as a legislative candidate in the DPR RI.

Regarding the electoral district (dapil) and going to the Commission for how many times in the DPR RI, Ganip could only fully hand over the authority of the Party DPP.

The reason is, as a former TNI soldier, Ganip admits that he is ready to be assigned anywhere.

Moreover, it was specially ordered by a leader who in this case was PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"I am ready anywhere. Because so far I have wanted to fight for the community for the people of the nation and state," said Ganip.

"In the past, through the TNI (fightd) now it is nominated through PDIP. Because we know all political parties in Indonesia nationally have been verified by the KPU, which now has passed. Legally, our constitutionality entering any political party is the right of every citizen," he concluded.

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