JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto spoke about the momentum of the announcement of presidential candidates (candidates) 2024 from his party.

According to Hasto, this momentum will begin with a special meeting between PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and President Jokowi and the general chairmen of political parties who will join the coalition.

This was said by Hasto considering the momentum of the 2019 presidential election, Megawati met with Jokowi for a long dialogue regarding the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"Later on, there will be intense meetings between Mrs. Mega, Mr. Jokowi. Then a meeting with the general chairmen who will jointly build cooperation," said Hasto to reporters on the sidelines of the briefing of new cadres at the Lenteng Agung Party School, Jakarta, Sunday, October 30.

However, Hasto emphasized that the momentum of the meeting would be carried out after overcoming various national economic problems. Because, he said, in several remarks, President Jokowi and Megawati said that in 2023 the Indonesian nation would face great economic challenges.

It is also related to the major war between Russia and Ukraine and the occurrence of a fertilizer, food and energy crisis in a number of countries in the world. Then with China's President Xi Jinping strengthening the Taiwan issue. Where previously, the United States aggressively fully smothered Taiwan which would also cause geopolitical problems.

"So the global external situation is very volatile and then full of increasingly destructive threats that disrupt global security," explained Hasto.

Meanwhile, he added, the challenge at home today is to struggle to overcome various pressures and preparations for holding the G20 and Indonesia's leadership in ASEAN.

"Those things we have to do first so that the energy of this nation is truly concentrated on our duties that the international community has trusted to become the leader of the G20, that should be our focus," said Hasto.

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