PDIP Secretary General: Regional Head Of PDIP Cadres Must Bring Prosperity To The People
Secretary General (Sekjen) of the PDIP DPP Hasto Kristiyanto took a photo along with participants in the archipelago culture carnival in Bangka.

JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto stated that all regional heads and representatives of PDIP cadres must be able to bring prosperity to the people in their respective regions. "The head of the region from the governor and his deputy as well as the regent and deputy who are PDI-P cadres are considered worthy through the process of cadreization of party leadership and must be able to bring prosperity to the people," said Hasto Kristiyanto, in Sungailiat, Saturday, October 29 after releasing the activities of the healthy road and cultural procession of the archipelago. He explained, PDIP opened the cooperation space between regional heads, for regional heads who were considered successful. can become models or examples for other regional heads in Indonesia.

"Cooperation between regional heads is quite important to share government knowledge and build collective responsibility for mutual progress," he also said. Hasto Kristiyanto gave an example, in Bangka Belitung which cannot be separated from geostrategy with South Sumatra, when the two regions are expected to be led by PDIPakan there is a concept of joint development of insight. "I hope that in Bangka Belitung and South Sumatra areas it can be led by PDI-P cadres, so that the two regions can be integrated," he said again. He received information from PDI-P cadres that in Bangka Belitung it is necessary to build ports because Bangka Belitung is a strategic area for developing natural resources such as tourism and other important sectors.

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