JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives encourages the strengthening of the moderation program of the Ministry of Religion which gives a middle way in dialogues for religious literacy is conveyed virtually through social media to educate the public about tolerance between religious communities in social life. Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Diah Pitaloka when he was a speaker in the socialization of strengthening the mass moderation of the first generation of 2022 at the Arch Hotel Bogor, Saturday, said that the tendency of dialogue that is formed by the community through social media is currently homogeneous in the midst of a large amount of information so that when entering other dialogue spaces often argues sharply. According to him, this needs to be overcome with moderation that is built with accurate literacy and conveyed by competent people, one of which is from the Ministry of Religion through the same platform, namely social media. "We fully support the efforts made by the Ministry of Religion through a moderation program, so it will be very helpful, maybe for a long time the methods will develop, I think it would be good if done in virtual media to make it even wider (religious literacy delivery)," said Diah, quoted by Antara. According to Diah, the Ministry of Religion needs to make innovations in building the moderation process of religious communities through the internet. Diah stated, the internet is a place forum of various information that often causes problems of intolerance between religious and social communities to cause division.

The problems arising from free information on the internet are also not only in general social life, he said, even in the development of children and trafficking or human trafficking. All this happens because the Indonesian people are still weak in terms of literacy in information on ethics of communication, interaction, accurate views and can be accounted for. Therefore Diah believes that people need to be educated about Indonesia's diversity which is actually the wealth and strength of the nation if unity is maintained through the internet. "We hope that there will be an era of strong tolerance, mutual respect, respect for differences among society that will actually strengthen Indonesia," he said. Head of the Ortala Subdivision and KUB Kanwil of the West Java Ministry of Religion Haidar Yamin Mustafa said the Ministry of Religion has the same view as the DPR regarding literacy issues in society, namely the internet of things or the concept of working without physical interaction with other humans directly. The community is currently accustomed to using the internet for all activities. In fact, many things cannot be conveyed with the internet, namely characterizing discipline, ethics that are of the gestures of fellow human beings. "Therefore, we will continue to socialize religious moderation in the community to remind the importance of socializing with full tolerance," he said.

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